
This project synthesizes scientific knowledge to support decision making on forested and agricultural areas
Focus Area:
Ecological & Biological Capture
This project takes a holistic look at carbon capture and storage in agricultural settings
Focus Area:
Geological & Ocean Capture
This project investigates the ability of coastal systems, such as mangroves, salt marshes, and seagrass meadows to store carbon
Focus Area:
Ecological & Biological Capture
This project investigates the potential for large-scale oceans-based carbon capture and storage
Focus Area:
Geological & Ocean Capture
How do temperature, grazing, and acclimation interact and affect carbon capture and storage by algae
Focus Area:
Ecological & Biological Capture
This project compares different mathematical models and their results to estimate the effects of enhanced mineral weathering
Focus Area:
Geological & Ocean Capture
This project will map and measure the amount of carbon stored in seagrass and magroves in Sri Lanka
Focus Area:
Ecological & Biological Capture
This project builds on exisiting research to develop a process that produces methanol out of carbon dioxide
Focus Area:
Industrial Carbon Utilization
Developing molecular tools for resolving microbial methane (CH4) production and oxidation in natural systems
Focus Area:
Ecological & Biological Capture
This project aim to quantify the rate and efficiency of enhanced mineral weathering
Focus Area:
Geological & Ocean Capture