Elizabeth Yankovsky

Elizabeth Yankovsky's picture
Scientific Leadership Team
Geological & Ocean Capture
Physical oceanography, geophysical fluid dynamics, ocean modeling, biogeochemistry, marine carbon dioxide removal

I attended graduate school in Princeton’s Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences program from 2015-2020. During that time I conducted research within the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) in Princeton. My graduate research focused on studying turbulent mixing processes in the Arctic Ocean. Additionally, I worked on improving the representation (“parameterizations”) of fluid instabilities in the GFDL ocean model to improve this model’s fidelity in climate predictions. Following my PhD studies, I was a postdoctoral researcher at New York University from 2020-2023. I participated in the Ocean Transport and Eddy Energy Climate Process Team, a multi-institutional project funded by NOAA and NSF. The aim of this project was to improve our physical understanding and model representation of ocean eddies, whirlpools of 10-100km scale that significantly influence ocean current systems and biological and chemical distributions in the ocean. I then worked at the non-profit startup [C]Worthy for a year, helping to develop the scientific knowledge and software to support the emerging marine carbon dioxide removal industry. I began my position in the Earth & Planetary Sciences Department at Yale in July 2024. 

Where are you from: 
Originally from Ukraine; last place I lived was Boulder, CO
Climbing, hiking, playing music, volunteering at animal shelters