Application and Proposal Details

Applications for Workshop Support!

The Yale Center for Natural Carbon Capture Workshop Program provides funding for workshops that advance the Center’s mission of supporting the development of climate solutions by:

  • Connecting the Yale community with experts from around the world 
  • Bringing researchers together that will move the field forward  
  • Providing resources for initiating new collaborations, particularly with researchers outside of Yale
  • Bringing experts together to work on publications, policy advising, and other products

Research has shown that a diversity of participants is key for working group productivity and problem solving, and we strongly encourage organizers to include diverse perspectives by recruiting and encouraging the participation of early-career researchers, students, and members of underrepresented groups.

This program is ongoing, applications can be submitted at any time and will be reviewed twice a year, once in October, and once in March. Recipients will be informed the following month.

All members of the Yale community are eligible to submit a proposal. The Center supports various formats for workshops, depending on the goal and expected output of the workshop.

**Please download and use the Workshop Program application template and budget template provided below and submit your complete application to with the subject line as Workshop Program Application. **