YCNCC Spring Symposium 2022
The Yale Center for Natural Carbon Capture hosted its 1st Annual Spring Symposium with the theme “Perspectives from Industry and Academia” on May 2nd, 2022. The symposium featured a panel discussion with Mitch Jackson, Chief Sustainability Officer for FedEx, Stacy Malphurs, Vice President, Supply Chain Management & Environmental Sustainability for Southwest Airlines, and Sheila Remes, Vice President Environmental Sustainability for Boeing. And moderated by Dean Indy Burke.
“Over the last 50 years, there has been about a 70 percent improvement in fuel efficiency which translates into emissions reductions which is tremendous but not enough”, Sheila Remes. Mitch Jackson shares “there needs to be carbon sequestration put into place!”
Following the panel discussion, participants could join discussions related to three different themes; Geological & Ocean Carbon Capture, Ecosystem Solutions, and Carbon Utilization where Yale Faculty experts led discussions about natural carbon capture and how research at the Center can contribute to mitigating the climate crisis.